Thursday, February 18, 2010

How dare they invest in business?

Almost three-quarters of the highest earners’ income was in capital gains and dividends taxed at a 15 percent rate set as part of Bush-backed tax cuts in 2003, the statistics show. Of the 400 earners, 289 paid a total effective federal tax rate of 20 percent or less in 2007, the last year for which figures were available, the data show.

Lets tax the people that are investing in business in this country. Redistritbute it and piss our future down the drain. I challenge the rich to pull all of their money out of muni bonds, US stock and bonds, and put the money into some type of asset that isn't beneficial to America. Liberals just don't get it, what do they think the rich are doing with the capital gains? A. Putting it under their matress. B. Maybe investing it back into the economy?

Remember kids every government job that is created eliminates a private sector job. The government pays that person around 60k a year with benefits. The taxes to pay for that have to come from somewhere.

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