Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time to pay the Qwest DSL bill

A little backgrond, my dad worked for Qwest for 36 years. I figure his employment put me through college so I have a little loyalty. I even went so far as to have my payment pulled out of my checking account using the account/routing numbers to save them the credit card fee...

Anyhow this month I go to pay my Qwest bill because I like to have control over when I pay that way if there is something I don't like about the bill, it is easier to not pay it than try to get them to credit your accout back. I go to pay my bill the same way I always have and guess what pops up? We are now charging a $1 convenience fee unless you want to setup auto pay or pay by check. Who the hell do these clowns think they are making it convenient for? I gurantee that if everyone started paying by check it would cost Qwest way more than a dollar to process it compared to my electronic payment.

Maybe I'll let it stew a little while or maybe I'll bundle and save with Comcast.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

How dare they invest in business?

Almost three-quarters of the highest earners’ income was in capital gains and dividends taxed at a 15 percent rate set as part of Bush-backed tax cuts in 2003, the statistics show. Of the 400 earners, 289 paid a total effective federal tax rate of 20 percent or less in 2007, the last year for which figures were available, the data show.

Lets tax the people that are investing in business in this country. Redistritbute it and piss our future down the drain. I challenge the rich to pull all of their money out of muni bonds, US stock and bonds, and put the money into some type of asset that isn't beneficial to America. Liberals just don't get it, what do they think the rich are doing with the capital gains? A. Putting it under their matress. B. Maybe investing it back into the economy?

Remember kids every government job that is created eliminates a private sector job. The government pays that person around 60k a year with benefits. The taxes to pay for that have to come from somewhere.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


If the governor tells you he is going to veto a bonding bill if it has some expenditure he doesn't like and you tell him he is out of touch your a dumbass. Why not leave the fucking thing out of the bonding bill?

Just like the end of session last year here in Minnesota. He told you no tax increases, what did you dipshits do? You put the tax increases in and he vetoed it.

Unions, Corporations, and free speech

Becker is a National Labor Relations Board nominee who is seen by critics as too pro-labor. His nomination is incredibly important to Democrats' labor union base, which has spent in excess of $300 million to elect Democrats over the past several years.

We don't want campaign contributions from special interest groups like unions oops slip of the tongue corporations. There is no difference in the two.

Still, Brown's team insisted that Feb 11. was the target date -- on Tuesday. Democrats said the sudden change of heart had the hallmarks of a Republican plot. But they insisted that there was nothing they could do.

A Republican plot or a Democrat plot? Maybe we can jam more shit down the peoples throats before the Republicans can filibuster.

Joe Klein Time Magazine

And therein lies the crisis of democracy that our country faces: a moderate-liberal President, willing to make judicious compromises, confronted by a Republican Party paralyzed by cynicism and hypocrisy, undergirded by inchoate ideological fervor.

And Pat Robertson is a moderate-conservative.

Since when is a socialism considered moderate?