Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tax only the rich eh? That is not how I see it.

Senate DFLers want $2.2 billion in new taxes

Guess what? When I don't get as big of a annual raise from employer that I wanted I don't go out and rob my neighbors to make up for the difference. No I cut back on the level of spending that is within my control. These P.O.S. are making me sick. Hopefully there are no RINO's wanting to jump onto this to create a veto override. I'm telling you they can make cuts to the budget without affecting critical serives. Hell make the libraries open a hour later and close a hour early. Shit why is everthing a entitlement these days.

1 comment:

  1. You're preaching to my choir. Well said. I couldn't have worded any better myself - except for the curse words and hostile tone..
