Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just a thought...

I'm beginning to believe that the democrats are starting a war on prosperity. Just a thought though.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank you nany state protect me from myself

No bluffing: State trying to pull plug on online gambling

Banning ISP's from allowing you to access gambling sites. Hey China oops sorry State of Minnesota since when does the government get to decide what websites "free" people are allowed to access to? Are you pissed you can't tax it? Stop doing shit that is only protecting me from myself. I am a big boy and don't need you to decide what is right for me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Proposer of "Sin" tax on Cigs and Booze

Bob and Sheila's neighbor Ann Lenczewski (DFL) Bloomington. Just curious isn't one of the deadly sins gluttony? Here's and idea Ann. How about we have a fat tax you pig. Let he/she who is without sin cast the first tax err stone.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What we all should be doing. True then true now.

US 'deeply disappointed' as Iran convicts reporter

Amy K our great senator thinks this is a great injustice. You know what you go to a ass backwards country, you oughta know you play by their rules not ours. Get over it. She should have known the risk. Why are we wasting our resources on this? I'm guessing if I got a six year sentence for pissing on a tree in Mexico, the government wouldn't give two shits about me. Enjoy your time behind bars even though you don't deserve it.

Tax only the rich eh? That is not how I see it.

Senate DFLers want $2.2 billion in new taxes

Guess what? When I don't get as big of a annual raise from employer that I wanted I don't go out and rob my neighbors to make up for the difference. No I cut back on the level of spending that is within my control. These P.O.S. are making me sick. Hopefully there are no RINO's wanting to jump onto this to create a veto override. I'm telling you they can make cuts to the budget without affecting critical serives. Hell make the libraries open a hour later and close a hour early. Shit why is everthing a entitlement these days.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Written by a hometown poster?

"Kathryn is about 17 miles south of the town of Valley City, which is battling record high water on the Sheyenne River."

Until you mentioned that it was 17 miles south of Valley City, I had no clue where it was. For 99.9% of the country doesn't know where Valley City is. Maybe the losers could of said say X miles from Bismarck, Grand Forks, or Fargo that way maybe 5% of the population could figure out where in hell on earth they are talking about.

Happy tax day

For those of you living in Minnesota, happy tax freedom day. From January 1 to today equals the amount of days in terms of tax dollars that you would have had to work to cover your 2009 tax liability. Congratulations.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If anyone wonders where I am, I'll be off fortifying my compound

How the hell can we allow these clowns to get continually elected.

That's write government knows how to make better decisions than an individual.

Just take my whole check Larry. I'll ask for is enough money to be able to buy enough Vodka and aspirin to off myself.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Enough - If it wasn't for family living here I wouldn't be here

OK Ann Lenczewski, DFL-Bloomington - I feel sorry for you Bob if this is your neighbor. Fine, fine, you want to get rid of my mortgage interest deduction and charitable deduction on my Minnesota return? Lets cut the health and humans services budget down to 10% and take the money saved and reduce the overall tax rate. I am so fucking sick of the socialist pigs in our legislature. "Affluent not paying their fair share. " You know what bitch make the bottom who aren't paying squat start paying. Sioux Falls or bust.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Senator Julianne Ortman (R - Chanhassen) has introduced an additional bill that includes extending the sales tax to accounting services.

Heaven forbid they cut spending.

Lowest of the low

I hate child molesters worse than I hate any other type of criminal, including murderers. This guy has in fact probably fucked up two innocent people's lives. When are we as a country going to realize that these sacks of shit at the very least don't deserve to be released from jail or better yet just shoot the sacks of shit.

The recidivism rate with these animals is just to unacceptable for them to be released back into society.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My tax plan

You tax every dollar of income that a person receives at 30% federal and say 10% state. No credits no nothing. That way everyone gets some "skin" in the game. In the future if you want to raise taxes you raise them on everyone. Either that or constitutionally fix the income tax rates and 30/10 and be done. Eliminate every other tax that is out there. No gas tax, alcohol tax, etc... If you have a revenue problem, cut spending.

Nine people accounted for emergency room visits costing $3 million, a report says.

I guess nationalized healthcare probably wouldn't be such a bad idea afterall. Just adjust everyones income tax rate to 100%. Problem solved.

Apparently the trailer park isn't the hotbed of bitches

we all believed it to be. Bring us your weak, your poor, no more.

Craigslist killer expresses 'deepest regret' before being sentenced to life in prison

My deepest regret is this POS animal is going to be housed in jail the rest of his life rather than taken out back behind the courthouse and shot.

Teens make their case for St. Paul to ban candy cigarettes

Since we're in the mood to ban shit to protect ourselves from ourselves, lets start a list.

Root beer - because hey it might lead kids to one day drink beer.

Toy guns - the little bastards in their teen years seem to like to off each other.

Barbie and Ken - have you seen the teen pregnancy and STD rate with today's kids? You just know that Barbie whores herself out to afford the Malibu beach house with Ken likely being out of work.

Candy all together - we don't want the lil bastards to get diabetes.

If you don't like something don't buy it.

Please fee free to add to the list... I may add additional ones.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

7 students punished at Winfrey's school for girls

Here I thought the punishment would be having to watch her show everyday for a month straight. I guess the lesser punishment of being suspended or expelled would be my choice also.

I've been drunk before, but God Damn

One of my favorite youtube videos.