Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thought on cash for clunkers

NEW YORK ( -- Cash for Clunkers, the very successful federal program that has brought car buyers back to showrooms, is about to reach a very rough end of the road.

1. It is good to see giving away other peoples money is such a success. Where did we get the money from? That's right our friends the Saudis and Chinese.

2. These were perfectly good cars what are low income people supposed to drive now that these vehicles are headed for the heap.

3. Some of these cars only need 2 MPH better gas mileage. How is that considered green? When you figure in the amount of energy it took to mine the ore, transport oil for plastic parts etc... how much do you really think was saved?

4. What are about the muffler shops that put mufflers on these "clunkers"? Is it ok that we maybe putting them out of business?

5. Since these cars are being scrapped without stripping the parts, how is that green? Wouldn't it be better on mother earth if these parts had been recycled?

I guess that it is better to prop up one segment of the auto industry to detriment of the rest of industry including used car lots.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget, people aren't donating these cars to charities.
